Track Shipments, Parcels and Containers
The information on this website is provided by third parties “as is”, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied reliability of the information presented herein.
Air Waybills
Ocean BLs
Ocean Carriers
ie: XXXU1234567
ie: XXXX123456789
EMS & Mail
ie: EE123456789XX
- Don't have a tracking number
- How to track
- How to track postal shipments
- Questions to the tracking results
You absolutely need a tracking number to use this site! If you don’t have one you have to get it, there is no point in contacting us.
- If you’re the sender you should ask the company you sent it with.
- If you’re the receiver you should ask the sender.
- If you only have an order number you must contact those you ordered from.
But note that many shipments do not have a tracking number and therefore of course can not be tracked
First, to track a shipment you need a tracking number. If you do not have that please contact your shipper or your service agent.
Second, you need to know which shipping company is handling the shipment or the type of shipment. If you do not know that the sender should be able to tell you. There are also some types of shipments where you can determine this from the number:
- International postal shipments(including EMS) have numbers with 2 letters + 9 digits + 2 letters.
- Examples: EE123456789XX, CD123456789XX
- Air cargo have numbers with 3 + 8 digits.
- Examples: 123-12345678 12312345678
- Containers have numbers with 4 letters + 6 or 7 digits.
- Examples: ABCU123456 ABCU1234567
Again, the sender should be able to tell you if you can’t figure it out.
International postal shipments have numbers with 2 letters + 9 digits + 2 letters(examples: EE123456789XX, CD123456789XX), the origin country will be selected automatically for these. There may also be other formats used for domestic shipments and similar, for these one may have to select country manually.
Enter the number and click “Track with options” to see the results from the origin country.
Note that the tracking results displayed on this website are generated by the shipping companies, we are not involved in creating or updating the results.
If you think the tracking results are incorrect or if there are no results, please contact your shipper or your transport service agent.